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Special Session

"Robótica Industrial: Avances Actuales y su Impacto en la Manufactura"

Gastón Lefranc

IEEE Latin America Eminent Engineer

Session language: spanish with english subtitles


Este artículo examina el estado actual de la robótica industrial y su impacto transformador en el sector manufacturero global, con un enfoque particular en Latinoamerica. Se analizan las tendencias más recientes en robótica, incluyendo robots colaborativos (cobots), inteligencia artificial, robótica móvil autónoma y sistemas de visión avanzados. El estudio explora aplicaciones innovadoras como la manufactura aditiva robotizada y el mantenimiento predictivo, así como la integración de la robótica en el paradigma de la Industria 4.0. Se discuten los desafíos y oportunidades específicos para la industria manufacturera Latinoamericano, respaldados por casos de estudio locales. Además, se abordan el impacto en la fuerza laboral, las consideraciones éticas y las perspectivas futuras de la robótica industrial. El artículo concluye con recomendaciones para fomentar la adopción de tecnologías robóticas, promoviendo la colaboración entre la industria, la academia y el gobierno.


From 1968 to 1974, he worked as a full-time researcher and professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Chile. Head of the Laboratories of Automatic Control and Digital Systems, participating in Research Projects and dictating courses. From 1974 to 2018, he worked as a full-time professor and researcher at the School of Electrical Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, reaching the position of Full Professor (1984). Coordinator of the Academic and Research Group on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Automation (1996 to 2012). Head of the Laboratory of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, since its creation in 1998. Researcher of Fondecyt Projects, PUCV, United Nations UNIDO (1991-1996), Joint project with UNAM Mexico (1990 to 2018). He has been Professor of the Master's Program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago; the Master's Program at the Departments of Computer Engineering; and the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Universidad de Santiago (USACH) From 1995 to 200; and Professor of the Master's Program in Engineering Sciences at the School of Engineering of the PUCV (2004 to 2012). He has been a Consulting Engineer in the following companies: Empresa Ferriloza, Chile: 1969-1976, Engineer in the Blackstone Company, Chicago, USA: 1979-1980; Consultant and Project Engineer Enerco Ltda., Chile: 1976-1982: Consultant and Project Engineer LIS Ltda., Chile: 1984-2002. INTEC: Technical Assistance in Planning and Control of Production of Manufacturing Companies. nineteen ninety-six; Within the UNIDO Project on Automation of Capital Goods Companies, CAD and CAE Project is carried out in 8 Pilot Companies. 1991-1996. Courses and Consultories to Codelco El Teniente, El Salvador, Potrerillos, ENAMI Copiapó and Ventanas. Visiting Professor at México (UNAM; Monterrey, Toluca, Aguas Calientes, etc); Perú; Argentina; Brazil; Panamá: Visitant Professor of Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, for research and member of Doctorate Thesis 2011, 2017, 2018, 2019. UNAM in 2014 and 2017 Recognitions and Awards: IEEE Latin America Eminent Engineer, 1998;8. IEEE Millenium Medals Prize awarded to Outstanding Engineer. 2000; Chilean Association of Automatic Control in its 30 years. 2004; Medal of Academic Merit, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso. 2012; Professor Honoris Causa of Agora University, Rumania 2022; IEEE Outstanding Chapter Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society in 1992 and 2019; Best Paper ITQM Conference, Bucharest, 2024; Honorary President of IEEE ICA ACCA2024, 50th celebration of ACCA.